Project Management

Whether you're starting a new project, are already above budget on existing one or you're re-starting a project that has failed in the past, we understand that projects need to show results.

Our project managers help you manage the risks, complexities, conflicts and uncertainties associated with software projects and let you stay in charge of the process.

Even though we work using agile methodology, we also understand that you need to have an idea of when a project is going to be completed, and effective communication is key when roadblocks occur.

Our skilled project managers can help you manage a project from inception to maintenance, documenting requirements, involving relevant stakeholders and making sure that everything is on schedule and that everyone understands what is expected of them.

In our experience, great project management requires project managers to really understand your business and the reason why the project they're working on is important. It allows them to help with prioritization and documentation of the software features, and some degree of technical knowledge allows project managers to understand any problems that arise and support decisions of a technical nature.

For that reason, we at Avaso require our project managers to obtain basic programming skills, so they're in a position to actually understand the project - beyond merely analyzing KPIs and Gantt charts.
This enables meaningful communication between the developers and other stakeholders.

Are you in need of project managers for your current or upcoming projects? You're always welcome to contact us to hear more about our offering.

Service methodologies and solutions


Quickly adapt to requirement changes without negatively impacting release dates, reduce technical debt and improve customer satisfaction and deliver a higher quality product.


Align your IT with your business goals. Build a sustainable ecosystem with capabilities that work together and are ready for change when new requirements arise.


Join the majority of companies that have begun their transformation journey towards the cloud. We have a proven track record in designing and building enterprise scale software in cloud environments.


Harness the strengths of our DevOps engineers and provide continuous delivery using agile patterns, improving speed to market and quality of service.
Monitor application performance, ensuring that errors/instabilities are identified and remediated.

Machine learning and Data Science

Our data science teams can help you strenghten and support your business by applying machine learning and advanced analytics to your domain problems.


Improve security practices and, through that, prevent security issues within applications. Our approach to security encompasses the whole application life cycle from requirements analysis, design, implementation, verification as well as maintenance.


A pivotal part of ensuring software is maintainable and sustainably built in the long run is to implement automated test-suites. This helps ensure that your systems do not degrade over time.
We can support your existing test engineers or build a team of testers for you, who can safeguard the stable operation of your business critical systems.


Our database specialists can help you design, implement and maintain scalable databases, to ensure that business critical systems can scale to support your growth.
Whether it is SQL or Document databases, Key-value stores or graph databases, our engineers are ready to support you.

Data migration

Our data engineers can help you design your on-prem or cloud migrations using a variety of tools.
Whether you are building a data warehouse, creating a data lake, or need to migrate on-prem data to the cloud - we can help you.